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Hunter's Profile Information
Callsign: Hunter  Send a message to Hunter
ComNet Rank: ComNet Cadet
Avatar: Hunter
Division(s): VE - Imperial Navy
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: April 11
Date Joined: May 25, 2005
Last Active: February 11, 2011 at 1:00:36 AM
Number of Posts: 207
ID Line: FM/CPO Hunter/Nazgul 6/Pheonix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) (VC:B)
Name: Ridley "Hunter" Vandate
Callsign: Hunter
Age: 21
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Build: Thinner than most. He is used to working with machinery, but can use a blaster proficiently when provoked. Is weak in hand to hand combat.
Planet of Birth: Unknown
Planet Raised On: Dantooine
Family: Unknown siblings that were lost to him when his parents were killed. Birth Father: Deceased. Birth Mother: Deceased. Brother that was sold with him: Darland Vandate. Adoptive Father: Cruger Grandus. Adoptive Mother: Evangeline Grandus.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 155 lbs
Hair: Pure Blond, Straight, Military cut
Eye Color: Two mechanical eyes that are black with a mock iris that switches between electric blue and red depending on how they are being used. Their normal color is blue though. It has been noticed that when Hunter is angered, the iris changes to a golden state. It is speculated this is caused when his emotions send a wrong synapse message to his eyes' control features, giving them a burst of extra energy. They also have the ability to zoom in on far away objects and to see in spectrum where energy waves are visible. They are removable in case they need to be repaired.
Rank: Chief Petty Officer, CPO
Scars: A line that crosses his nose, over his right eye, and through his eyebrow.
Reason for joining the VE: Was caught while trying to steal archives on ship schematics from one of the Vast Empires' main Navy information centers. After being interrogated and learning the goal of the VE, Hunter decided to aid the noble cause, knowing it was either that or prison. He also wished to secretly use his position to more readily find any information on his lost family.
Senior Chief Petty Officer Hunter
SCPO Hunter/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) (VC:B)

Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will be victorious in ten thousand battles.
You may forget the past, but it always has a way of haunting your future.
Men can die, but a symbol is eternal.

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