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Weir's Profile Information
Callsign: Weir  Send a message to Weir
ComNet Rank: ComNet Novice
Avatar: Weir
Division(s): VE - Imperial Navy
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: October 18
Date Joined: October 30, 2010
Last Active: December 26, 2020 at 12:40:27 AM
Number of Posts: 32
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ID Line: FM/SCRW Wier/B-4/S:153 "Rhegent's Reign"/W:58 "Javelin Wing"/VSD Dead Gun/TF:R/2FL/SFC/VEN/VE
Biography: Name: Weir Martin Physical Appearance: Tall, Athletic Homeworld: Dresdae, Korriban Age: 24 Species: Human Native Language: Galactic Basic Gender: Male Skin Color: Tan/White Height: 6'2'' Weight: 180 lbs Hair Color: Light Brown Facial Hair: None, Clean Shaven Eye Color: Hazel w/ Yellow/Gold near pupil Scars: None Tattoos: Mandalorian Skull on right Bicep History : His parents were killed when he was 4 during a terrorist attack, he spent the rest of his youth living with his Aunt and Uncle.Weir Martin was an athletic young fellow and grew up as a Middle-classman and graduated from Dreshdae High School. True warrior at heart and is never scared of anything. Spent 4 Years in the Korribanian Police Force and reached Lieutenant. He was recommended for the Elite Guard of the Governor, but he refused, thinking the Empire would further his War-like future. His uncle was an old spacer and merchant, so Weir tagged along most of the time and quickly grew attached to open space. Weir has taken Korribinian pilot tests and qualified with Exemplary, he hopes to end up Commanding a Large fleet in the Imperial Navy. Personality : Serious most of the time, but he occasionaly jokes with friends when no superiors are around. Physical Appearence:[u][/u] A bit on the Athlete side, but not buff. He looks younger than he really is, most acquaintences say he looks 18 or 19. Hobbies: - Sports - Fighting - Hacking (Holonet hacking) - Socializing - Meeting people
FM/SCRW Weir Martin/B-4/S:153 "Rhegent's Reign"/W:58 "Javelin Wing"/VSD Dead Gun/TF:R/2FL/SFC/VEN/VE [SoA]

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