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Topic:  Dark Jedi
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  Dark Jedi
May 1, 2008 9:15:59 PM    View the profile of Ron-Goron 
This story is unrelated to the Vast Empire and depicts only a work of fiction inside the SW universe, but outside the VE's timeline / story line
Quote:Have YOU ever seen one?

Dark Jedi

"No, but honestly guys... I'm not sure the war as a whole is working out for us." Grumbled veteran trooper Kat S'trok.

"Meh, yeah, yeah, maybe it isn't." Grumbled other disgruntled troopers.

"I mean, look at me.  I've been in this campaign for 13 years now.  Haven't been promoted for over five years, haven't gotten any prize money in three years, haven't gotten any new armor in six months; honestly I think the whole campaign is going downhill."

"Well we're winning... ain't we?" piped up one of the younger recruits.

"Sure." shrugged Kat.  "Sure we're winning.  But who's we?  The Moff, thats who "we" is.  The Moff and his other gangs of Moffs who sit around planning how we get our asses blown to pieces.  An' what do we get out of it?  We're told that we're doing it for the good of the Empire... for the Imperials!  Screw the Empire, says I!  Forget the damn Imperial Empire!"

"Now careful what you say, Kat." said another veteran trooper.  "I haven't been in here as long as you, but I've been in here to know that the Imperial Army has its uses... hell if it weren't for us, the galaxy would be in chaos.  Its up to us to keep the order you know..."

"Yeah?" challenged Kat."  Well what are them "Jedi" for then?  I thought they were the keeper's of the peace."

"Yeah so did I." said another trooper.

The other vet shrugged.  "Blast me if I know.  Them is the Dark Jedi Order.  I don't know much about them, other than they're smarter than any of us, and they got saber-swords that pierce any armor.  You take my advice and stay away from them, unless you want burning streams of light passing through your middle."

Kat waved off the warning.  "I ain't afraid of them.  Besides, how do you even know they exist?  Have you ever seen one?"  The other vet shook his head.  Kat asked another soldier.  "Have YOU ever seen one?" The other trooper shook his head as well.  "Have any of you ever seen one?" All the troopers shook their heads. 

"There." smiled Kat.  "You see? There probably isn't any 'Dark Jedi',  hell there probably aren't any Jedi at all.  And you know what the "Force" is?  Thats a probably a bunch of trash as well.  Why if there was a force... then why can't we all use it?  I can't use anything called the Force... I don't have 'powers'."

The other trooper's mumbled as well.  Perhaps there wasn't any "Jedi".  Perhaps there wasn't anything called the "Force".

"And your all listening to this trash."  Came a voice behind them.  Everyone turned, and into the firelight strode a character they all knew... their squad leader, Jarvus Pitt."

"Pitt." whispered one of the new recruits.

"Thats right." growled Pitt.  "Do you all really believe all this junk that Kat is saying?"

"Its not junk, sir... it's just talk.  "What if" sort of things, you know sir?"

"Yes.  I do know." Pitt said.  "I know that if you don't watch your words, you'll anger a friend of mine who's here to clear a path for us tomorrow.  He wouldn't take kindly to your "what if" crap.  And neither do I."

"Is he a "Jedi", sir?" asked one of the troopers.

"He's not worth ticking off, son." said Pitt as he disappeared into his tent.

"Is he a Jedi... sir?" mocked Kat as soon as Pitt left.  "I don't know... son... will you kiss my ass?" Kat said as he imitated Pitt's deep voice.

"Now watch it, Kat, you have no right to mock Pitt..." started the other vet.

"I'll tell you what I shouldn't be doing!" Interrupted Kat.  "I shouldn't be standing here drooling over "Jarvus Pitt and his wimpy Jedi" when I could be home tilling the soil like every good farmer from Naboo should be doing right now... if it weren't for this damn war!"

The other soldier's backed away from the fire pit, as Kat began to get angry.

"Hell, lets face it." If there was any "Jedi" wouldn't one of them be here with us... helping us in the war?  Wouldn't a "Jedi" be in command of this squad instead of numbskulls like Pitt? Yeah?"

The troops nodded, still keeping their distance from Kat.

"And another thing."  Kat spewed.  "The damn "Force".  There ain't a "Force", and I can prove it.  Hell, I'm the most experienced person here... if anyone can use the force, then its me."

"It don't work like that." said of the other troopers.  "Its all in your mediclorians... er something like that." 

"Medi-what?" said Kat.  "Thats more of the lies, trooper.  No, I've heard of this kind of thing before... all you need is some meditation, and... closing your eyes."

And with that Kat sat on the ground, closed his eyes and said, "Tell me when I do something."

The other troopers watched, and before long, Kat began to rise into the air.

"Uh... Kat..." said one of the troopers as he backed away.  "Yer flying, man, flying!"

Kat opened his eyes and said, "See?  I told you it's all bogus!  So maybe there is a Force... but it's nothing special... so that means "Jedi" are nothing special either..."

Suddenly Kat was thrown to the ground.  As soon as he stood up, he lifted up into the air, and was thrown back on the ground.  This repeated several times, until Kat yelled, "Alright, alright I give up... there is a Force, there is Jedi... put me down!  I give in!"

As soon as he finished saying that, Kat was thrown thirty feet away from the fire side. 

Kat returned, sore and black and blue.  One of the braver recruits piped up, "What was that Kat?"

"That."  said a strange and dark voice.  "Was the Force." 

They all looked at the dark figure that appeared in front of them.  They couldn't see a face, and they couldn't see much other than that either.  All they saw was a black figure.

"And... who are... you?" asked a shaking trooper.

"I am a Dark Jedi."

Kat swallowed and stubbornly said, "Well that was a neat trick, sir, but I still don't think..."

A red blade hissed forth from the Jedi's hand.  Kat was quieted immediately.

"The saber-sword." whispered the other vet.

"I know what it is!" Kat harshly whispered.  "And if you ask me," he whispered,  "it's just another tri..."

Kat gurgled out some strange form of the word "trick" before he fell to the ground, his glazed eyes fixed on the red blade that pierced his chest.

"Anyone else need convincing?" the Dark Jedi said as he pulled forth his red blade from Kat's carcass.

"Personally I think you should have killed him when he was talking trash about the Imperials." shouted Pitt from his tent in the background.

"No, it was hard when he was trash talking the Force, but after he still doubted it's existance, I had enough." shouted the Jedi back to Pitt, as he left the fireside.

The trooper's were silent for a while.  Then after the initial shock died down, the other veteran said,

"Now may that be a lesson to you, if you start trash talking the Jedi... you'll get a saber-sword stuck in your lungs."

"I always thought it was called a... lightsaber."  said one of the new recruits.

"Shut-up!" whispered the vet.  "You want to get killed too?  Quit trash talking the Jedi... its a saber-sword.  Dammit, trooper, I thought you learned from Kat's example..."
Live & Die by the River

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ComNet Novice
[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
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  RE: Dark Jedi
November 15, 2008 10:09:25 PM    View the profile of Ron-Goron 
The Traitor

"We're lost, dammit."  said disgruntled trooper Dan.

Dan was a private under Sgnt. Luther's command.  They were deep in tropic jungles; on a mission somewhere to find something that none of them knew about.  The only person who knew anything about the hike was Sgnt. Luther.

'Luther.' his Leiutenant told him.  'There's somone dangerous up in them jungles outside of camp.  Go wipe em out, and do it quickly.'

Luther turned back towards the complaining Dan and replied to his grumbles,

"Shut your mouth private, I know exactly where we're going."  Truth be told, Luther had no idea, but he wasn't about to tell the troops.  He had a vague idea that his superiors knew exactly what he was supposed to hunt down, but he knew enough to keep his mouth shut. It was a good thing that he did.

"Sure ya do." whispered Dan, quite obviously not sharing Luther's caution about disrespecting his superiors.

Unfortunately for Dan, Luther didn't hear him.  Someone else did

Luther called a halt at midday to let his troopers get some rest and sleep.  They had been tracking for half a day, and under the hot tropical canopies above, rest was needed more often.  While Luther caught a few winks of sleep, the rest of the troops huddled close around a dim fire to talk.

"He's off his rocker he is." said Dan.  "I ain't ever heard of Sgnt. Luther goin off into the woods to chase after fairy tales.  If you ask me, its all hocus, he'll run us to the ground with all this stupid searchin."

Some of the soldiers agreed, some of them didn't.

"Don't speak of what you don't know." said another, older trooper.  "I've seen some things in my day to marvel at.  Sometimes you never know whats out there till you look for it, and then before you know it, its on top of you."

"Nonsense." said Dan, "There's nothing in this jungle besides animals and natives.  Nothing a blaster can't handle."  he said this with a smile and a pat of his gun, which got a chuckle from some of the men.

"I seen me one day a strange sight." said one named Red.  I seen a man dressed all in black, with a silent walk and a piercing gaze.  I seen him carrying a great sword of red lightning, lightning that cut through men like they was air; and all in black he was, like a shadow.  I seen him come out of nowhere and kill a man, quicker than he even knew what hit em!"

The men grew so quiet, that Sgnt. Luther's snores could be heard twenty yards off.

"What was it?" asked another.

"I'll tell you what it was." said the vet.  "Twas a Dark Jedi."

The men were very silent.  All of them were as solemn as the grave. They knew very little about the Dark Jedi, but they knew that they were dangerous, which entitled them to a certain respect that almost everyone gave them.

Dan looked around the fire with an amused look on his face.  A respect that almost everyone gave them...

"Look at your faces!" he laughed.  "I... haha, I can hardly believe that you listen to these.... fairy tales!"

"They ain't fairy tales." said the vet.  He nodded towards Red.  "I seen the same man who was struck down by a Dark Jedi, Kat was his name.  A stupid man, said there weren't no Dark Jedi and next minute he was killed.  Right there in front of us."

"Right." sneered Dan.  "Killed em with his lightning-sword, right?"

"Tis called a lightsaber." replied the vet.  "Most dangerous weapon I ever seen."

"Well then." said Dan.  "Let him show himself.  Let's all see this 'Dark Jedi' kill a doubter.  C'mon Dark Jedi, let's see you!  Show yourself!"

Of course nothing happened at all.

"Your full of air." laughed Dan.  "There aint nothing hiding to kill me, and there never will be.  There aint nothing thats a Dark Jedi, and there never will be.  And besides..."

"Finish it later." said Sgnt. Luther, suddenly.  "Time to move on."  the tone of his voice, accompanied by his distance away from the group assured the rest of the men that the topic of conversation was unknown to Sgnt. Luther.  So they all got up, and followed Luther.  Dan and the vet followed last, however the vet made sure that Dan kept in the rear of the group.

"You ain't afraid of anything, Dan?" said the vet.  "Then you keep up the rear."

Dan accepted the post with indifference.  There was no Dark Jedi, so there was nothing to fear.  He kept the pace with the rest of the group well enough to know that if anything did come out, he would have sufficient help to kill it.

Hours passed by and twilight started to descend on the group.  Strange noises came out of the forest, whispers and unworldly sounds that haunted the hearts of the troopers.  But none of them were as afraid as Dan.  He now regretted his earlier words, and remembered the fate of earlier doubters before him.  But he was too proud to admit it, as his mumblings betrayed.

"Dark Jedi... there aint no Dark Jedi... thems a legend, thems fake, thems not true... Dark Jedi..."

He heard a snap behind him.  Wheeling around, he pointed his gun in the direction of the noise.  He saw nothing.  Dan walked backwards slowly, making sure that there really was nothing there, before turning round again. 

Another snap to the right!  This time he turned quickly and fired a round into the heavy jungle along the path.  He was sweating profusely now, and cursing loudly to himself.

A fern moved to the left, and so Dan spun over to kill it, whatever it was.  As he spun, he tripped over his own feet, and fell to the ground.  But he kept fireing into the fern.  He was crawling now, flat on his back, propelling himself backwards with his legs and arms whenever he wasn't firing his gun. 

"Damn you!" he screamed.  "Damn you, what ARE you?  Leave me alone!"

Another noise on the path ahead.  Dan flinched and jumped up, spurting another round from his blaster into the pathway.  He was heedlessly firing now, not caring if he hit anything or not.  He was mad with fright.

"I'll kill you Jedi!  I'll kill you!"  he screamed.  Dan was nearly frothing at the mouth with ecstacy, his eyes were as large as eggs, and his hands twitched with fright.

He would have continued in this state had he not run out of ammo.  As his gun clicked empty.  Dan threw it away, and fell to the ground, closing his eyes and huddling in cowardice.  He was freezing now, the sweat that poured from him earlier was cooling and made him shivver. 

He remained like this until he revived his senses.  Having not heard any more noises, and having temporarily forgot his previous fright, Dan started to regain his former contempt for the Jedi.

"Stupid.  No Jedi, no nothing.  All scared over..."


Dan heard the lightsaber before he saw it.  He reeled around slowly behind him, and came face to face with a fearful menace, lit up by the blood red glow of his lightsaber.

"Me." said the Dark Jedi, finishing Dan's statement.

"NO!" screamed Dan, "I believe!  I believe!  I believe!"

The next morning came late, with a red sunrise.  Sgnt. Luther awoke with a start, one of the men men shook him hurriedly, saying, "Sgnt. Luther, we cant find Dan... we think he fell behind last night."

Luther shook himself into wakefullness and looked around the makeshift camp.  There were sleeping troopers scattered around, but sure enough, no Private Dan.

"Let's go find him." sighed Luther.  "Corporal, send two men into the jungle, with yourself.  I'll go down the path and see if I can find him."

"Yes Sir." the corporal replied.

It did not take Luther long before he smelled the stench of burnt flesh.  As he rounded a bend in the path, he stepped back in fright as he came before a disembowled body, with no legs, arms, or insides.  He only recognized the body as Private Dan's, due to his tag found on the ground below him.  Luther covered his nose from the smell, and inspected the wounds.

"These are no ordinary cuts..." started Luther.

"Do not move." hissed a voice in the jungle.  "Or you shall find out quickly how painful those wounds can be."

Luther snatched out his gun quickly, but said calmly, "Who are you?"

The voice remained hidden, but replied, "I am someone not to be trifled with; a member of an ancient, secret order.  You, Sergeant,  have entered heedlessly into dangerous territory."

"The Dark Jedi Order!" gulped Luther.  "But why would I be ordered to come here?!"

"Ordered?" hissed the voice.  "You were ordered to seek me out and to kill me, were you not?"

"No! No! I knew nothing of you!  I knew not what I was sent out to destroy!  My orders..."

"Your Orders?" said the voice.  "Who's orders?"

"The Lieutenant's!  On my life, it was the Lieutenant's orders!"

"You lie!" spewed the voice.  "That's treachery!!"

"I swear it was!" said Luther.  "On pain of death I swear it!"

The voice was silent for a moment.

"Perhaps he did." it said at last.  "But do not worry, you shall never be ordered in such a manner again."

"You..." gulped Luther.  "You're going to kill me?"

No response was given. 

Luther stood in shock for a long time before he dared return to camp.  Upon returning, he found the men huddled cautiously away from three severed heads of the soldiers sent out to find Private Dan.  Luther gulped and said,  "Men, we are returning to camp immediately. Now pack up and get moving!"

Ten minutes later, they were trotting along the jungle path, each and every one of them as afraid as their leader.  They were all duely frightened when they passed the corpse of Dan, but nothing frightened them nearly as much as the prospect of the monster that was still at large somewhere in the jungle.

Once back at the main camp, Sgnt. Luther went immediately to find his commanding officer to report what had happened.  But he never spoke to the officer again.  For when Luther entered the tent, he found the mangled body of the officer upon the floor, covered with a white sheet, and written on that: words in blood,


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"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not shoot, the courage to shoot the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies."- Anonymous
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ComNet Novice
[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
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  RE: Dark Jedi
November 16, 2008 1:05:21 AM    View the profile of Ron-Goron 
"Dark Jedi" story rights given to me by Angel.

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View Ron's Wiki at:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not shoot, the courage to shoot the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies."- Anonymous
[This message has been edited by Ron (edited November 19, 2008 5:51:44 PM)]
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